CAPE is committed to raising awareness of the impact of gender-based violence on both the individual and the community. We develop evidence-informed training programs to educate the OSU community about CAPE's resources, the dynamics of gender-based violence, and how they can actively engage to eliminate gender-based violence. Additionally, We can work with your organization or department to further develop your trauma-informed response to disclosures.

To request a workshop, please fill out this form.

Workshop List:


Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education (CAPE) Information and Resources 

This presentation will provide an overview of the services offered by the Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education (CAPE) and allow participants to engage with a CAPE representative. This presentation will provide participants with information about OSU and community resources available to survivors of gender-based violence and how we can work as a community to prevent gender-based violence from occurring.


The Birds and the Beavs Workshop 

This interactive workshop brings everyone up to speed on consent and safer sex. Through inclusive activities and discussion, participants will explore what safer sex is and what it means for them, and explore the types of barriers and contraception available to them. Participants will learn to dispel common myths about sex and sexuality and feel more prepared to protect themselves and their partners. STI testing and other campus resources will be shared. Workshops can be customized to be 90 or 120 minutes and to include in-depth contraception, menstruation and/or reproductive health education. 


Beavs Believe 

The goal of this training is to create empathy and support for survivors, decrease victim blame at OSU and learn to cultivate a safe and caring university community. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to identify and describe sexual violence, evaluate the ways in which rape myths and victim blaming contribute to sexual violence, and employ useful skills to support a survivor.


Beavers Give a Dam (BGAD): Bystander Intervention 

The goal of this workshop is to create a community of empowered bystanders who promote safety for everyone.

During the workshop you'll learn to identify barriers, safety considerations and motivations for intervening; recognize incidents of harm related to sexual violence; apply strategies for intervening and advocacy; and learn how to refer and engage with resources.


Gender-Based Violence Prevention Training for Faculty and Staff

This workshop focuses on gender-based violence prevention services and also covers survivor advocacy resources. We can customize this training to meet the needs of your team. In these sessions, we most often cover what prevention resources are available, how our organization can create a culture of consent, how to help promote prevention with our students, and what can we do as university leaders to prevent gender-based violence.


Receiving Disclosures and Trauma-Informed Response Training  

This workshop will provide an overview of how trauma impacts our responses, interactions and ability to engage with services and support. In this training, you will learn about responding to someone who has experienced trauma and how to receive a disclosure regarding interpersonal and gender-based violence. We will talk through what a compassionate interruption looks like regarding responsible employee roles, supporting students and colleagues through trauma, and how to care for yourself in your role as a supporter.